
My holistic approach, combining elements of humanistic, behavioural and cognitive therapies with psychodynamic exploration, facilitates awareness of fears and subconscious conditionings that limit psychological freedom.



Meet Tiny Pinkerton

I am a clinical psychologist registered with the Australian Health Practitioner’s Regulation Agency (AHPRA). I am also an active committee member of the Australian Psychological Society (APS) as Treasurer of the APS Perth branch. I have a keen interest in transpersonal psychology. This perspective integrates the spiritual and transcendent aspects of the human experience within the framework of modern psychology. In particular, existentialism and the belief that people are searching to discover who and what they are and the meaning they make based on their experiences and outlook.

My holistic approach, combining elements of humanistic, behavioural and cognitive therapies with psychodynamic exploration, facilitates awareness of fears and subconscious conditioning that limit psychological freedom. I employ an eclectic framework guided by the uniqueness of the individual in addressing concerns and presenting issues. As a clinical psychologist, I am a strong proponent of evidence-based approaches combining metacognitive therapies and experiential interventions. My work, therefore, draws upon a range of modalities integrating the mind, body and spirit to facilitate connection to inner strengths and wisdom in attaining a fulfilling life.

In addition, I have an interest in neuropsychology and gained my grounding within a psychiatric population (Graylands Hospital), in particular, schizophrenia and psychosis. I am currently in private practice, providing clinical psychological services across the lifespan and co-facilitating lecturing Health and Clinical Psychology to Honour students at Edith Cowan University.

  • APS
  • Treasurer of the APS Perth Branch
  • Transpersonal Psychology Interest Group
  • Buddhism Psychology Interest Group
  • Teaching Clinical Psychology to ECU Honours Students